the only way
is the name of my newest song collection.

Over the past year I've worked alongside producer Joe Hettinga to turn 5 songs I had written into truly special pieces of art. So many moments with other musicians brought tears to my eyes and undeniable smiles to my face while we were in the studio recording. Now....they're here. They're ready for an August release. Ahh!!!! :) 

I believe in each of these songs and want them to be heard by the world, and this is where I'm asking for help from you.

My goal is to raise $10,000 between June 15 - July 15 to be able to promote the only way. Getting songs on curated Spotify and Apple music playlists is one of the most primary and effective ways to get music into the ears of people, so I am looking to put $5,000 toward getting each song in front of playlist curators, and $5,000 toward promoting the EP as a whole. I hope you'll consider joining me in my dream of sharing these songs that I've given my heart to.

As I write this, I'm realizing that these songs genuinely feel more like companions that came to me rather than songs that I wrote. They found me after I experienced something that shattered my spirit from the inside out. For a significant period of time within the last 4 years, I was fully convinced that having a real desire to live again was an impossibility for me, and it took upwards of two years for me to feel some semblance of real healing. I share that to give context for the hope I believe is intrinsically found in these songs, and I share that to remind anyone who reads this to not give up on life.

I hope to gift these songs to people who are yearning to be held by a comforting voice of belief. I hope these songs can be companions to you and others. I sincerely hope that you will feel inspired to give! The link to donate is right below this (or to the right of this if you're on a computer!), and you can donate via paypal or credit card. You'll find options for $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000…and $5,000. $1,000 would fund a song. $5,000 would fund all 5 songs, or would fund the photography, videography, and additional material for promoting the EP as a whole. The actual recording costs for the only way came to about $9,500 paid by me as the artist. This is why your help now is going to make a huge difference to me in being able to fund the promotion of it in the way I so hope to be able to. Any amount that gets raised over $10,000 will go toward further promotion and my continued living and creating, future projects, future art! 

Thank you for considering! You'll see there aren't any crazy prizes or merch - I didn't make anything for this EP other than the music itself! With that in mind, now I can share what's in store :) **I will be making a LIMITED number of CDs, so if you know you want one, this may be your time to secure it! (#100+ gang)**

All contributors will receive a free download of the EP once it's released
Contributors of $50 + will receive an early download of a single
Contributors of $100+ will receive an early single AND a physical CD (limited # being made!)
Contributors of $500+ will receive two early singles and a CD
Contributors of $1,000+ first…WOW!!! You'll receive an early download of the entire EP, and a physical CD. You just made my DAY.
Contributors of $5,000+ You will be the reason I print records on vinyl!!! And you can BET you'll be receiving that record with a massive bow and a bouquet of flowers. Holy COW.


What you give is truly a gift more valuable than I can convey, and if you're not in a place to give monetarily, sharing the music once it's released with your loved ones and in public places will help tremendously. There is nothing like real, living, human to human connection, and I hope and pray this music can foster that connection, whether by sharing it with the people in your life, or by having a vulnerable moment alone as you listen.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for reading, and for any amount of support you give. As an artist, it means more to me than you can imagine, and it reminds me that none of us are in this alone.

From the bottom of my heart,
<3 Rin Tarsy

Leave a message and sign your name after you donate!

Join the mailing list for updates on reaching this goal and the release of the EP!

thank you :)